Duties and Responsibilities of PPA President

1. The president shall be responsible for running all the NGO's and Projects registered and functioning under the PPA, the Projects may include secular and religious activities, whatsoever.

2.The president shall supervise and control the work and activities of the headquarters office and its employees; the receiving and proper disposition of communications directed to the Pastors Peace Alliance; Keeping an up-to-date status on every members, processing all applications for licenses, membership ordination services and confirmation in ordination of the pastors and keeping all the record of the same/ issuing ordinance certificates and identification cards; publishing regular bulletin to keep members informed about the ordination work and activities of the PPA and other information of interest of the members.

3. President supervise and be responsible for all financial affairs of the PPA, He has right as President to obtain donations, funds and financial help for the PPA and its Projects from every corner of the World and report to PPA Board Executives .Establish branches of PPA internationally for uplifting Humanity in world.

4. Representing the PPA at regional conferences and international conferences He shall be responsible for overseeing the development of relationships with key individuals, organizations, the PPA members, Bible Colleges and seminaries that would further the growth and mission of the PPA. This may be accomplished through correspondence, personal contacts and foreign tours thus representing the PPA at significant Evangelical conferences. He shall be responsible with the help of Finance Secretary to oversee the financial annual audit of the financial records of the organization.

5. Serves as the public face and representative of the organization.

6. Makes key decisions on policy, operations, and resource allocation.

7.Communicates with executives, directors,coordinators, workers, employees and members of PPA nationally and internationally for betterment of PPA projects.

8. Team management: Oversees senior management and ensures effective team performance. Ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

9. Oversees budgeting, financial reporting, and fundraising.
Risk management: Identifies and mitigates potential risks and threats.

10. Builds relationships with donors, and other external sponsors.
Handles crisis situations and ensures business continuity.
Reports to the board of executives of PPA, organizational performance.

President/Chairman Of PPA
Pastor Samson Inayat