Message of Chairman PPA

"Win the world with Peace & Love"

I have pragmatic that there are many problems & troubles of Christians of developing countries including Pakistan. Like illiteracy, unemployment, caste system, discrimination, homeless, poverty, lack of knowledge of human rights and so on. I believe these problems may be solved by mutual understanding and sympathetic of Christian leaders irrespective of missions or denominations. But today Christian leaders are indulged in Hatred, Jealousy, Envy, Anger, divisions, quarrelling, leg pulling and back biting and so many draw backs. Dues to these tribulations Christians in developing countries are lagging behind.


Founder and Chairman Of
PPA and Light of Life Church Ministries
Mariam Colony Lahore Cantt

About Pastors Peace Alliance

PPA National and Internationally is an alliance of ministers serving throughout the world.PPA included pastors, teachers, church leaders, church executives, missionaries, evangelists, speakers, youth ministers, professors, military chaplains,, industrialist ,prison chaplains, Advocates, Engineers, Doctors, Businessmen, Social workers, human rights, uplifting couples, families, youth and poverty uprooting programme . Please take time to browse our site and contact our staff listed to the right if you have any questions.
The PPA has been serving God's services since 6 March 2018. Our founders began this work to offer an alternative to the Theological tolerance that had seep into the church. The founders wanted to provide credentials to those who would not compromise the Word of God. This new work was not anti-denominational, but was pro-Word of God and committed to high standards of ministry.

PPA Projects


The mission of the Pastors Peace Alliance is to spread the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and to build up the church by carrying out the Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:19-20.
The mission of the Pastors Peace Alliance shall be carried out by:
Licensing and ordaining to the Gospel ministry those who are qualified, and providing them with credentials from a recognized ecclesiastical body.

Join Us Now!


Jarawala Punjab Incident Occurred on 16 August 2023.

Sargodha Majahid Colony Punjab Incident Occurred on 25th May 2024.

Large number of Christians are being killed and tortured in Pakistan in order to force them to abnegate and deny Jesus Christ. We request to UNO/USA, please help us to stop genocide of Christians in Pakistan. Christians, especially under 14th Children are converted to Islam by forced by extremists.

Jarawala Punjab, Incident occurred on 16th August 2023. 26 churches burned, Thousands Christian families were looted, destroyed their homes. Now Christians are jobless and still discriminated in different fields.

Sargodah Punjab, Majahid Colony incident occurred on 25th May 2024.NazeerMasih was martyred by mob extremists.

They destroyed and burned the home and injured many Christians.

So help us to save our souls.
General Secretary PPA